It’s quite amazing how bad Biden must have done to make Trump look good.

Trump possibly said over a hundred lies in the span of an hour, refused to answer any difficult questions (or simply couldn’t), and went on several non-sequitur tangents yet still looked a mile ahead of Biden.

I think that if this debate never happened Biden would most likely have taken the presidency in the fall, but after this performance it’s extremely unlikely.

As embarrassing as it would be for our president to have to step down and allow someone to take his place as nominee, I fear we are all out of options.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Jamie Paul

I imagine this is a race the FBI is really struggling with, because of so many people saying something like "one of the candidates might be dead before the election" and it turns out they're just talking about average life expectancy and...well...from an actuarial standpoint "natural causes" is basically the third party candidate.

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To incredulously quote George Carlin, "This is the best we can do, folks." Sigh...

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Jun 30Liked by Jamie Paul

Trump v Biden is just the point where the average person started to notice gerontocracy. People want someone like Hakeem Jeffries as a fresh young face, and he's 53. No wonder we have Cold War era policies. We're the folks calling politicians old and we're old enough to remember maps with the USSR.

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I just might be the one owed a Coke on this one ;)


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Next one's on me!

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What’s most shocking here is that you’ve admitted Biden is clearly incompetent, yet you continue to call GOP accusations of PEDs and media cover baseless. How do you think he got through the SOTU if not drugs? There are dozens of clips of Biden acting exactly like a guy with dementia, yet the media has said nothing until after the debate. They have to have known beforehand - they’re with him all the time. Just like the media knew about JFK’s philandering. How can you see this much yet remain so naive?

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The next day after the debate, Biden held a rally in which he seemed more lively and cogent, because reading off of a teleprompter (what he did at SOTU) is far less mentally taxing than thinking on your feet.

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The funniest thing in the world would be if the polls go in the opposite direction of what we're all predicting, like when Bill Clinton's approval rating went up after he admitted to lying about Monica Lewinsky, then up again after he was impeached

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That would make for an amusing satirical film.

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