There are some cogent criticisms about meritocracy, but this is a truly ludicrous extreme argument. It is made it seems by someone who simply doesn't keep up with the vast stacks of evidence on the extreme importance of motivation, resilience and determination on life outcomes. Yes, much is luck, but much isn't. This "philosophical" outlook gives the entire population intellectual carte blanche to sit on their arses doing nothing, taking drugs or drinking. This cannot be judged in any way better or worse than the people who do work hard - they are lucky to be able to work hard! It is a damn good job that on the whole the United States was not based on this world view, or it would be the world's largest basket case state.

Of course we can take an extreme position on free will, or rather its non existence if we choose) in which case the articles of this writer and everything we do is entirely pre ordained and debating any issue whatsoever becomes entirely and radically pointless.

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> This kind of thinking isn’t just intellectually laughable — it’s the most obnoxious form of arrogance.

Personally I find delusions of omniscience as displayed in this blog post even more funny, but maybe I have a weird sense of humour.

It's even funnier when combined with this one:


I mean, get your story straight man!!

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