Now you're just ranting like an idiot.

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There is nothing that can be done to solve the homeless crisis; it will only get worse. Alvin Toffler wrote in the 1970s of the phenomenon of *Future Shock*. People can not adapt to change as quickly as we think. Every incidence of change leaves a few people behind. That change can be cultural in the cases of immigrants, technological in the case of cell phones and such, or social as when norms change.

Consider a person who moves from a reserve to a city. Noise, the pace, strangers, and there is no escape. Just think of any holiday you've taken where what you expected was not what you got. Were you upset? Did you react rationally? When people are subject to future shock they seek out the familiar so we see groups naturally forming around race or preferred drug use. *Change causes mental imbalance* and the current rate of change dooms any attempt to alleviate the problem.

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I'd say, it's not that it *can't* be done, it's more so that we have to rework ALL of our systems and fundamentals, and the midwits currently in government aren't even remotely up to that task.

So your conclusion is correct, but perhaps not your reasoning.

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A conclusion can not be correct without proper reasoning.

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Not quite: it can't be a Justified True Belief - correctness maps to just the T, you're referring to the J.

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If you're trying to tell me I'm wrong then you've not been paying attention.

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Will we be seeing a demonstration?

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Bold prediction: you are only able to assert that you are correct and I am incorrect, you cannot demonstrate it to be necessarily true. I'd even do a side bet that you *can't even try* to demonstrate it (2 days elapsed so far....).

But who knows, maybe my intuition is off: let's see what ya got.

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You're skeptical of Future Shock yet you know nothing about it. Arguing when you don't know what you're arguing about is idiocy.

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