I wish I had known all this six years ago when I was dealing with social services. They were showing up at my door on a weekly basis. I'm a grandmother who was trying to raise my two grandsons. I'm not a stupid person. I finished high school and have some college. Unless you know these things you are powerless. My grandsons were taken from me and put in foster care. I did everything they asked, some even before they asked. I fought to get them back but when you don't know your rights it's not gonna happen. I had a court appointed lawyer who would not speak for me. However, even she realized that I got a raw deal. She even said so. Thanks for writing this. Hopefully it will help someone.

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I'd have to look up the citation, but here in Appalachia, grandparents raise something like 20 to 30% of children. And these are people we really ought to be supporting, because staying with a family member, as opposed to a foster or group home, is pretty much always the best for kids that have to go into out-of-home care.

But you're right. It's just an extremely niche subject, and we really can't expect the average person to understand. It would be nice if the courts and the law would recognize that.

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Thanks for writing that article. I live in Perry County. They give kids back to drug addicts who go right back to doing the same stuff.i was drug tested for two years and never failed.

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Oh, Hazard. That's where my brother-in-law and his family are from. Yeah, in many ways so much depends on the individual social worker. Some are going to be undertrained and ill-equipped. Others are just going to exploit these loopholes because they know they can.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine...

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Fortunately my grandsons are in a GOOD home. But I miss them so much. But they're 16 and 18 next month. You're an adult at 18 so hopefully I can spend time with them

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That's good at least. I hope you see them soon.

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