This may be the first news American piece of opinion journalism I’ve read in years that I thoroughly respect. The analysis was wonderful, I was reading more and more attentively as it became clear that the author had captured very concretely the essence of this leftist ideology. My congratulations again to the author, I will be looking out for your name!

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Here's a question to pose. CRISPR can edit genes of people who are currently alive with sickle cell anemia. Assuming that we aren't hiding the genes which cause transgenderism, and that we just dont know yet but will soon find it, should CRISPR be used to align how the person feels and thinks to their birth sex? Should the person be gene edited so that they'll masculinize if they're XY? Or do they get to choose their gender type? If so, would you, instead of gene editing anorexics, allow them to get CRISPR editing to change their morphology into a thin of a being as possible?

recognizing trangenderism as a mental illness due to a genetic defect isn't bigoted. Its science.

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Still wrong. Transgenderism is a label for a disorder and it does exist. The same way many types of birth defects "really exist". Transgenderism is based on a gene gone wrong. In other words, a mutation and a deviation from the norm. That in itself indicates a genetic disorder, just like people with wolfman syndrome, who grow hair all over their faces. That doesn't make them really a wolf just as having the gene disorder that gives feminine traits to a man makes them really a woman, whether its social construct or biological. They're someone with a gene disorder.

But they are not real transgender women if they have XY chromosomes.

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I am against the complete restructure of our society to accept trans. Gender dysphoria people need to be told they can't be the opposite sex and that surgery will not make them feel better. Any doctor should be fined or serve jail time for allowing it to happen. At the same time i don't think people should harrass and attack people with GD because there still a human being at the end of the day. TL:DR Allowing GD people to pretend there the opposite sex is a insult to the opposite sex, its like black face.

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Allowing individuals to do what they want with their own bodies is a basic and fundamental freedom. To oppose that is to oppose living in a free society.

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You're an idiot.

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