Good article, Jamie. I'd love to hear your take on "how to use twitter" since you spent a bit of time saying how twitter is good "if you use it properly." I'm hoping how to find out how to use twitter and other social media better. I have strong feelings that we should be able to develop social media that better connect people who would want to be connected if only they knew one another and also how to create COHESION both in social media and in general. I'm concerned about the climate crisis and all I see is millions upon millions of people who don't know what to do about, start more groups to solve the problem, and have their own opinions. If only everyone who cares about climte crisis did the same thing at the same time, like emailing POTUS, their impact would be enormous. I thought sure Greta would find a way to do this during the covid lockdown, but although people did "virtual strikes" they were never coordinated enough to be impactful. Also, I myself have several ideas on how to solve the climate crisis that nobody seems to care about, but I know SOME people would care about them. In fact, one or two could be really effective if only the people who could implement them and would want to heard about them. So far, I've tried to use twitter in various ways to accomplish this and to accomplish getting people to work together both without any success. I've hovered around 70 followers but recently got a mention by someone who fosters people getting followed and thus increased to 135. By the way, are you looking for additional contributers to American Dreaming? I have published on Medium but this would be better. I'm at twitter.com/USA2_0 and at larrylangdon@gmail.com. Thanks for writing what you write.

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I wrote a bit about it in the last section of this piece https://americandreaming.substack.com/p/how-to-improve-social-media?s=w . I'm happy to consider any pitches, if you have a piece you think would be a good fit to be published on my Substack. Email me at AmericanDreaming08@gmail.com if you have an idea for an article, or a draft you'd like me to consider.

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My first pitch is please, YOU write an article about how to better use Twitter, or at least a bibliography (list of links) to best articles already on the web. (I'm not qualified). Maybe a whole separate article on how to get follows - I've never had even 200!

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Saw this on Reddit, read it, and subscribed. You are absolutely correct; blaming the tool is foolish. If you smack your thumb with a hammer...it's not the hammer's fault. And you are also correct that Twitter is not the town square - unless your town is made up entirely of journalists, politicians, activists...and bots. So many bots. Coincidently my Substack this morning covers this; I'd appreciate your thoughts: All your Bots are belong to Musk-https://perfectingequilibrium.substack.com/p/all-your-bots-are-belong-to-musk?s=w

If this is inappropriate, I apologize and please delete. I'm just curious to hear your take. Cjf

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Not at all. Thanks for the kind words.

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You are most welcome. I have added a comment to my post directing my readers to this, and added you to my Recommendation list. Have a great day!

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