Good piece. Well done.

What do you think about the work of Robert Sapolsky on free will?

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I have not read his work, though I've listened to him in interviews and podcast discussions and found very little to disagree with.

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This article comes off as childish in its description of the opposition: "the 80% of philosophers and 80% of evolutionary biologists that disagree with me are all just lying to themselves". It really doesn't help that you don't go into the weeds of what your opponents believe, either, which is pretty crucial when the premise of the article is "80% of philosophers/biologists are not only wrong, but are lying to themselves". You can't treat your position on the topic as self-evidently true when it's overwhelmingly unpopular unless your audience is only made up of people who already agree.

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“I haven’t played a game of chess in over 20 years. If I were to play someone skilled, I cannot “will” my own nonexistent chess skills into being at that moment. But surely I could have chosen at some point in the past to have developed them. And yet, if I retrace the steps of my life, in every instance where I might have practiced chess but didn’t — usually because playing chess never even occurs to me — I cannot account for these decisions without recourse to more prior causes, themselves built upon further causes. Did I choose, in those countless moments, for chess not to occur to me? Did I choose, in those vanishingly rare instances when it did, to find the prospect unappealing”

Firstly, Have you ever heard of acquired tastes? Ones that are initially repugnant but over effortful practice and habit you develop a liking for? And also, of course you can regress back to times where you didn’t play chess due to choice. Presumably, you have been exposed to chess, you have just chosen not to engage. So when you sit down to play a skilled player, you aren’t going to lose due to lack of will, but a lack of choices to get any good at it along the way. The regress you speak of is a chain of choices you have made.

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I'm not sure I understand the target of your ire here.

Compatibilists agree with you that human behavior is deterministic, they just generally also believe that "free will" is a useful abstraction at the level of human agents (if not at the level of atoms). I think it says a lot that even those of us who believe that the universe is fully deterministic have a difficult time imagining that ourselves actually work that way. Which again, doesn't negate that determinism is true, but that it may not be an apt level of description for behavior. When I want to describe why I or someone else did something, I'm going to speak in terms of motivations, beliefs, experiences and so on. It feels to us like we decide what to do, and compatibilism is nothing more than acknowledging this strong intuition we have and affirming its general utility for everyday life.

Or put another way: determinism is positing a divide between "me" and "the deterministic processes that comprise me" in a way that doesn't really make sense. Trying to redescribe "I decided to go on a walk" as "the atoms that comprise the neurons that control my behavior moved in such a way that I was compelled to go on a walk" is meaningless, because "the atoms" and "I" are different levels of description for exactly the same object. I am not being *controlled* by those deterministic processes, I *am* those deterministic processes.

If you don't want to call this experience "free will", that's fine, but it's just as much of a language game to be on the denial side than the pro side.

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My ire is toward the state of the discourse. For us to go into a back and forth on these semantics is a waste of both of our time and a demonstration of my beef in microcosm.

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OK, but then your whole point boils down to "why won't these people who fundamentally agree with me use my preferred language?" so you are engaging in the very semantic games you decry. Both compatibilism and hard determinism are ontologically deterministic; determinism won. The disagreement being hashed out here is not fundamental. If you want to say it's a waste of time to talk about or too confusing to laypeople, fine, but it still boils down to a language game either way and if you don't want to play, then don't play!

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I generally avoid the discourse for this very reason. I consider this piece more of a commentary on it, but that inevitably becomes a contribution to it as well. Unavoidable.

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